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Internation Dance school in Tokyo

TNG theory:

Everyone has a dream, and my dream is very simple. I want to be a part of children's growth, childhood, and happy memories. I want them to feel they are supported not just by our instructors but also by their parents.  TNG is created by a group of dancers with passion.  We want to let the world know how much fun and happiness you can get from dance, music, and this culture.

Back in Vancouver BC CA, I have always been a dancer and teaching around schools and cities. Also, I have entered lots of events and competitions. I have noticed that students were practicing very hard but had nowhere to express or showcase what they have learned or created.  That is why we started T.N.G The Next Generation.  We do youth events around the city for all students so they have a stage to showcase what they can do. We have seen lots of improvement in confidence, self-esteem,  creativity, and term work. Their smiles are our motivation and it pushes us to move forward and make TNG the best place for the next generation to learn.

After moving to Japan, we have noticed the difference in Japanese education. We believe our education theory can help lots of children here in Japan. We want to promote "express yourself" through dance and music. We want children to learn in a positive and FUN environment. We what them to "be themself" and not be afraid to show their unique personality instead of being the same as everyone else.  We started dancing because it is "FUN" and we don't want them to forget that.

My dream is to make "Dance" a family hobby. Can you imagine if your whole family can dance together? Can you imagine how much "LOVE" your child can feel from you? If your child feels loved, it gives him the courage to not be afraid to try anything and it will definitely give a positive impact and help him develop his confidence, communication skill, family bonding, and creativity. I have always wanted to do that with my father but he has already passed away years ago so I hope T.N.G which we created, can help others and give out happiness to all the families out there.

Who we are:

TNG is an educational group that provides a dance program for young children. We teach our next generation with an "Active Learning Method",  which is broadly used in North America. The program that we are offering is totally different compared to the traditional teaching style. We T.N.G introduces Dance to children while learning fun steps, games, songs, or other fun activities depending on the age group or type of class. Our teaching method is not just benefiting your child in creativity but also benefiting them physically and mentally.

Our mission:

Our mission is to help the next generation to understand the nature of art. We believe that children can learn best in a positive, happy, creative environment and that is our passion at T.N.G.


Why T.N.G?
  • T.N.G is the only one who provides educational programs that contain "Active Learning", "English" and "Dance" together. 

  • Experienced professional instructors who love to work with children.

  • Physical benefits include the development of strength, coordination, body control, and fitness.

  • Confidence and self-esteem are developed as we encourage your child in a non-competitive and supportive environment.

  • Performing at TNG Annual Recital helps them to build up confidence and encourages them to express themselves in a fun and exciting way.


When you take lessons at T.N.G Academy, you will find only the best dance instructors. That’s because we hire the top teachers who have years of experience in helping others learn the art of dance. A professional dance instructor knows how to help you learn to move your feet and body to the music. Our instructors have helped many students to develop their skills as well as their physical and mental development.


  • 東京バレ・コン2010ファイナリスト

  • 2014バレエコンクールのエキシビジョンにゲスト出演

  • 他、ショー、雑誌等のメディア経験もあり。

  • ‘Crumpled‘ (Lucía Vázquez / Saori Hala. 芸術共同監督、振り付け担当、出演者. Fuyuki Yamakawa 方向に役立ちます)

  • ‘Becoming Alone‘. (Lucía Vázquez 振付担当.) 在日ペルー大使館

  • MusicSign/DanceDesign‘ 音楽とダンス.スタジオアーキタンツ.

  • ‘La satisfacción del capricho’ International Dance Festival of Itálica. Compañía Bárbara Sánchez.

  • ‘Mirra’. Cía. Álvaro Frutos 振付担当.

  • ‘Huevos’. Colectivo Kuroi Co. (Lucia Vázquez/María J. Villar. 芸術共同監督、

  • 古典を仙堂新太郎氏、廬慶順氏に師事。

  • 民族舞踊を小澤さと氏に師事。

  • WORLD OF DANCE フリースタイル・バトル 2012(カナダ)準優勝

  • SBS サバイバルオーディション 2012(韓国)テレビ出演​

  • エレンの部屋 2011(アメリカ)テレビ出演

  • FOXアジア TvN スターハント 2011(香港)テレビ出演

  • CUBEエンターテインメント・グローバルオーディション  2011(韓国)優勝

  • Vancouver Street Dance Festival 2012 Waacking Finalist

  • Three Style Battle 2012 Waacking Top 4

  • UNICEF World anti-violence music video

  • 2010 冬季オリンピック (終演)演出

  • 2009 IBE Prelims IBE UK 3rd

  • 2008 Battle of The Year Canada 第1位

  • 2008 ドイツの世界試合第7位

  • レッドボールとDairyLandとCoos-Light 広告演出


  • VANCOUVER K-POP IVYのコンサート (韓国) 演出

  • GM コンサート JUSTIN (HonKong歌手) 演出

  • Fairchild TV 広告演出

  • Performed at BIG BANG!! TOKYO



TNG KIDS 中央区小学生向け英語
TNG MONTESSORI 中央区インターナショナルスクール
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